My 10 step Night Skincare Routine

Gepubliceerd op 19 juni 2024 om 08:00

In the quest for flawless, radiant skin, a good skincare routine is essential. While both morning and night routines are important, my nighttime routine holds a special place in my heart.

I find it very relaxing to apply my 10 step skincare routine. While you sleep is also when your skin repairs and regenerates, making it the perfect time to nourish it deeply. Here’s a step-by-step guide to a my personal night skincare routine that leaves my skin refreshed and revitalized.

Why a Night Skincare Routine is Important

During the day, your skin is exposed to various stressors such as UV rays, pollution, and makeup. At night, your skin switches into recovery mode. It’s the optimal time to repair, as your body boosts blood flow to the skin, encouraging cell regeneration and collagen production. A well-structured nighttime routine can maximize these processes, ensuring you wake up with a glowy, more radiant skin.

Step-by-Step Night Skincare Routine

Lets dive into my personal skincare routine and reccomended products. I have a fairly dry skin and my routine is inspired by the Korean skincare routine. Please note, what works for me might not work for you.

1. Makeup Remover

The first step is to remove any makeup. Leaving makeup on overnight can clog pores, leading to breakouts and dull skin. I use a gentle makeup remover to ensure all traces of makeup are gone. Micellar water is a great option as it’s effective and gentle on the skin. I use the combination of garnier micellar water in combination with reusable pads.

2. Oil Cleanser

Double cleansing is a fundamental step in a lot of Korean skincare routines and the key to an effective skincare routine. An oil cleanser helps to dissolve leftover makeup, sunscreen, and excess sebum that water-based cleansers might miss. Massage the oil into your skin to break down impurities before rinsing it off.

My favorite oil cleanser is the IUNIK Calendula & Jojoba Cleansing Oil, This cleanser doesn't dry out your skin and gets all make-up resedue that is left over off your face.

 3. Peeling (1x per week)

Once a week I'lI use a peeling. This helps to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. This step enhances cell turnover, revealing a brighter complexion and allowing the next products you use to penetrate more effectively.

Its important to not use a peeling to often, hydrate your skin after and use a spf 50 the next day as your skin will be more sensitive

On days I dont use a peeling I directly go to the next step in my routine.

4. Water Cleanser

I follow up with a water-based cleanser to remove any remaining residue from the oil cleanser and peeling agent. This ensures my skin is squeeky clean and ready to absorb the benefits of the next steps.

After This step I dry my face with a facetowel.

 5. Ampule

A toner helps to balance the skin’s pH and remove any leftover impurities. It also preps your skin to better absorb the following treatments. 

You can either apply it with a cotton pad or use tab it into your skin with your clean hands  - my favorite method -.

 5. Toner

A toner helps to balance the skin’s pH and remove any leftover impurities. It also preps your skin to better absorb the following treatments. 

You can either apply it with a cotton pad or use tab it into your skin with your clean hands  - my favorite method -.

This toner by Pyunkang Yul is my untimate favorite!


6. Ampoule

Ampoules are super-concentrated versions of essences and serums, Before you apply the ampoule to your face, ensure you have cleansed well so the product gets deep into your skin.This is a step I only use on day's I exfoliate my skin with the peeling.

Since I'm not a expert and relatively new to K-beauty it's a little confusing to me when to use the ampoule. I often use it as replacement for the essence and serum.

Ampoule often comes in a small single use bottle. One of my favorite ampoules is by PYUNKANG YUL. They have a super moisturizing Ampoule that comes in a full size bottle that will last you forever!

7. Essence

Essences are hydrating products that deliver a concentrated dose of active ingredients. They help to improve skin elasticity, hydration, and overall texture. Pat an essence gently into to maximize absorption. I again use my fingers for this. This essence by Joseon Ginseng Is light weight and super refreshing to your skin!

 8. Serum

Serums are packed with potent ingredients tailored to address specific skin concerns, such as aging, pigmentation, or dehydration. I apply a few drops and massage this gently into my skin. Depending on your needs, you might choose a serum with hyaluronic acid for hydration, vitamin C for brightening, or retinol for anti-aging.

9. Eye Cream

The skin around your eyes is delicate and often shows the first signs of aging. An eye cream can help to hydrate and firm this area, reducing the appearance of fine lines and dark circles. Gently tap the product around your orbital bone with your ring finger. I currently use the Moisture Surge Eye Gel by Clinique but the beauty of Jeoseon eyecream is also on my personal favorites list!


10. Overnight Mask

Then we come to the 10th and final step of the Korean skincare routine.

An overnight mask is a great way to lock in moisture and deliver intensive treatment while you sleep. These masks create a protective barrier, ensuring that all the active ingredients from your routine are sealed in and can work their magic overnight. My favorite overnight mask is by Cli  nique

I apply a thin layer to my face and let it absorb before going to bed so I dont transfer all my products onto my pillow.

On days I use the peeling I typically apply a thicker layer.


By following these steps and using high-quality products tailored to your skin type, you can ensure that your skin gets the care it needs to regenerate and rejuvenate overnight. Remember, consistency is key, so make this routine a nightly habit and enjoy waking up to a refreshed, glowing glass skin!


Take care,

Venne <3


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