My first post on my first website

Gepubliceerd op 15 juni 2024 om 09:40

So I started a blog...

I have been wanting to create a blog for a very long time. As a teenager before socialmedia became big thing, you would find me reading blogs instead of doomscrolling on socialmedia.

I dreamed of creating a blog but didn't know where to start. How to get your domain, does it mean i have to learn coding and what will my blog even be about?

On today on June 13th at 3am I started thinking about this dream once again and decided to just start. I googled "how to make a blog" on my phone, bought a fresh domain and here I am, writing my first entry in bed.

This will be my little corner of the internet, a new side-quest. A personal digital diary where I write about little life updates.


Disclaimer: I'm not a writer by any means it’s going to be as informal as it gets because that’s the beauty of a diary right?



  • Food — I will focus on mainly beginner-friendly  recipes, and take you on the journey of finding joy cooking for a single person as I will be living alone for the first time soon


  • Beauty — I dont have a lot of experience with make-up and fashion but I will share my fav skincare, makeup, and fashion products as I rediscover my style


  • Diary entries – This is where I will share my toughts, take you with me on my study journey and write about figuring out life as I'm trying to build healthy habbits, practice my favorite hobbies and maybe try new ones.


  • & more!


Quote by Steven Pressfield: “Start before you're ready.”

I can’t wait for this blog to be fully shaped. I definetely started and hit publisch before I'm ready but enough time has passed.

It's going to be like a pinterest board, but MORE. It is going to be fun to try a new form of media. One that’s not a social media with restrictions of the amount of characters that you can type, the amount and size of images and one that is not heavily focused on likes and followers.

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